Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight the Movie - SEE IT

After a bad day, some people drink, some people exercise, some people meditate; I read Twilight again. I love this story and I’m anxious to see these characters come alive in any media I can. I want more.

That being said, the success of this movie is not dependant on its appeal to me, or any other lover of these novels. If it were only written for us, it would never have passed the box office. Its success is dependant on its ability to bring our beloved story to the masses.

The book is more than six hundred pages of Bella Swan’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. If the movie mirrored the book, I’d still be in the theatre now. We shouldn’t need the movie to mirror the book. We can always pick up the book and read it. The movie needs to be appreciated for what it is, a beautiful work of cinematography that does credit to the story we know and love.

Of course the story is different. A first person narrative can’t come to the big screen without adding extras to explain what might otherwise be described in a character’s mind. I wish the restaurant scene had been longer. I wish we’d seen more of Bella and Edward in the field of flowers. I wish they’d played up Bella’s clumsiness. The parts they added seemed to come mostly from later books, extra killings, eating at the dinner, etc. It all felt natural to me.

As for the acting, Edward Pattison can’t be everybody’s ideal Edward; he was mine. He played the role as if he never was anyone else. Even the characters that I was sure I was going to hate, Jasper and Rosalie, were so much more believable than I could have ever imagined. With all due respect to Stephanie Meyer, I almost wish she had explained Jasper’s inner struggle as well in the first book.

And, I would be remiss, if I didn’t finish by noting how beautiful the movie was in its entirety. From the soundtrack, to the narration, to the exquisite credits, I was enthralled for almost two hours and aching for more at the end.

I will see it again. And, my only hope is that this will not be the last time that we see Edward and Bella dance.

Friday, November 14, 2008

"Quantum of Solice" Opens Tonight

For my first post, this is pretty lame. It's what's happening with me, though. The hubby is a BIG Bond fan, so we're off to the movies tonight. I don't hold up much hope.

The last one was spectacular. The kind of movie one could (OK, did) watch over and over. I was worried about their choice of Bonds - James was never a blonde - but this new guy is a total animal; raw, forceful, emotional, brutal. Having seen all of the movies (under coercion, of course) I can honestly say that there is no more heartwrenching scene than the shower scene in "Casino Royal." I was totally smitten - even made hubby take me to the movies a second time. . .of course, I wasn't really twisting his arm.

As for the new one, "Quantum of Solice," I think that perhaps they're planning to take the righteous indignation stuff too far. I don't want to see Bond out for revenge; he was always more civilized than that. Of course, I've only seen sparce previews (being too concentrated on next week's "Twilight" release). I guess we'll see.