Saturday, February 28, 2009

Teenage Drama and Another Busy Month

Has it really been almost a month since I wrote anything? Well, OK, let's be honest. . .not since I wrote anything, there's always the novel (that's right, I'm the queen of the tools, I've got a novel in the works), but it has been a very long time since I shared something new with the world wide web. Of course, no one reads this except me. I know, because I haven't told anyone about it. Somehow, it's easier to be honest that way, like a diary.

It has been a busy month, though. Somehow, the PTB decided that it would be best for us to work from MLK day until Easter without a single day off. So, February has been an entire month of five day weeks. In my profession, that's not a good thing; tempers flare, wits end, and composure frays with no day of rest to recover.

To top it off, in my infinate wisdom (insert sarcastic comment here), I scheduled a show for last night preceeded by a week of dance practice. Needless to say, I will rethink my plans next year, if there is a next year for me. It turns out that, being the age and gender I am, I am not immune to teenage drama reguarless of what high school reunion number is coming up. How is it possible that a show comprised entirely of teenage boys can be so rift with catty drama, you ask? Honestly, I have no idea, but I have to think that there might be two people better suited to lead this band of rabble than two women who seem to be young enough for the girls to draw them into this petty crap. My cohort in this adventure, is even closer to her high school days than I. And still, considering what we had to work with, I believe that our age was benefit in putting together a fairly brilliant show; boys in daisy dukes, spandy pants in vibrant colors, and onstage mosh pit. You should have been there.